Saturday, May 16, 2020

rondot automotive - 1423 Words

salesXxmtr^t as written? Why? Rondot Alttomotrve 1 .Does it make financial sense to outsource painting of housings to Greven? What reasons, other than financial factors, need to be taken into account in this decision? Do you think Glenn should get prices from other suppliers? What do you want to do about the family of parts that did not pass the quality tests? Do you think that Rondot should outsource their painting operations completely and dispose of the equipment? †¢onment and manager to sat down to should make osts by out- igement was ket share. Automotive †¢gic purchas ­ed office in lotiating ma-new product ng organiza-lid-line basis basis. Plant aterials man-lirements and :rtment at the ling two buy-nn had joined†¦show more content†¦28 add Gleilfi Northcott, purchasing planner at Rondot Automotive in Jackson, Mississippi, was evaluating an important outsourcing opportunity. For the past three months, Glenn had been working on a proj ­ect that involved evaluating the feasibility of outsourcing the plant s painting requirements, and he had just finished collecting much of the necessary technical and cost infor ­mation. Glenn had to complete his evaluation in advance of a meeting scheduled with his boss, Terry Gibson, pur ­chasing manager, and the plant manager, Dick Taylor, in one week s time to discuss this matter and to decide what action, if any, needed to be taken next. RONDOT WORLDWIDE Rondot Automotive was a wholly owned subsidiary of Rondot Worldwide, a leading global designer and manu ­facturer of electrical and electronic components. Rondot Worldwide operated in more than 100 countries, employ ­ing more than 200,000 people. It was a key player in the information and communications, automation and control, power, transportation, medical, and lighting industries. Rondot Automotive operated 85 plants in 25 countries. It was known for providing high-quality, innovative prod ­ucts in automotive electronics, electrics, and mechatron-ics. The Jackson, Mississippi, plant manufactured small motors for a number of applications, including engine cooling, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and cooling), and antilock brake systems. The plant produced approximately 7 million motors per year, which wereShow MoreRelatedRondot Case Study Essay787 Words   |  4 PagesArra Patricia Bocar SCM880TT/ Fall 2014 September 2014 Rondot Automotive Case Study Background Glenn Northcott is a purchasing planner in Rondot Automotive. Their Jackson, Mississippi plant manufactures an average of 7million small motors which they distribute to their OEM customers. Their purchasing organization which has a hybrid structure is comprised of two groups—strategic purchasing (dotted-line reporting to purchasing manager) and plant purchasing department (straight-line reportingRead MoreRondot Case Study Essay734 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Background Glenn Northcott is a purchasing planner in Rondot Automotive. Their Jackson, Mississippi plant manufactures an average of 7million small motors which they distribute to their OEM customers. Their purchasing organization which has a hybrid structure is comprised of two groups—strategic purchasing (dotted-line reporting to purchasing manager) and plant purchasing department (straight-line reporting to purchasing manager). Currently, they are being pressured to cut down their plant costsRead MoreOpre 6371 Case 5-21575 Words   |  7 Pages6Case 5-2: Rondot Automotive Name: Lovee Sachdeva, Bin Wen, Matthew Miles, Ryan Buxbaum ,Yuguang Wang, Shaoying Lu. Group: 3 Date: 2/22/2013 ------------------------------------------------- Situation: * Glenn Northcott is the purchasing planner at Rondot Automobile in Jackson, Mississippi. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rondot Worldwide, a leading global designer and manufacturer of electrical and electronic components. (Note: You are Glenn)

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